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Gjennom Safejobs varslingsordning kan du konfidensielt rapportere uetiske eller uanstendige forhold hos Safejob.

I utgangspunktet håper vi at du vil ha en dialog direkte med din leder i Safejob. Men dersom du ønsker å være anonym , og har noe å melde fra om, kan du gjøre dette anonymt via vårt varslingsskjema. 

Varslingsordningen er en del av vårt konsern Edda Groip, og leveres av advokatselskapet Lund Elmer Sandager (LES), som sikrer full anonymitet og en datasikker prosess. Rapporten videresendes anonymt til HR-avdelingen, som presenterer innholdet for hovedstyrer, som deretter vil jobbe med innholder og sette i gang nødvendige tiltak. Det er viktig for oss, at du som ønsker å varsle om hendelser eller avvik, blir tatt på alvor. 

About us

Safejob Energy is a recruitment and staffing company in the Edda Group, which specializes in placing skilled professionals within ISO subjects, black subjects, and technical subjects. We have jobs in everything from automation operators, electricians, scaffolders, insulation, and surface workers, as well as riggers, access technology, sheet metal and welders, etc

Our ambition is to become an industry leader in the supply of qualified personnel for a sustainable future. We are locally rooted in Western Norway and want to be a safe and reliable player you can trust. 

We are continuously looking for in-demand expertise to meet tomorrow's needs. With the right people and the right expertise, we can support our customers in achieving their goals and ambitions so that individuals have a meaningful everyday life through valuable work under good, safe conditions. 

Do you want to become part of our team at Safejob?

Safety means everything to us

Safejob Energy works to be a safe and predictable partner for both customers and employees. We make sure that you, as an employee, have the courses, certifications, and training that are in line with the current requirements and needs for the individual assignment. Safety instructions will be available to you at all times on our HSE platform. 

We have our own safety representative who will be supportive in case of any safety-related problems at the workplace. The health and safety representative also works continuously with improvements we can make concerning HSE. In addition, we have two shop stewards from each of the two collective agreements we are part of, who represent and contribute to our employees.

Safety means everything to us

Safejob Energy works to be a safe and predictable partner for both customers and employees. We make sure that you, as an employee, have the courses, certifications, and training that are in line with the current requirements and needs for the individual assignment. Safety instructions will be available to you at all times on our HSE platform. 

We have our own safety representative who will be supportive in case of any safety-related problems at the workplace. The health and safety representative also works continuously with improvements we can make concerning HSE. In addition, we have two shop stewards from each of the two collective agreements we are part of, who represent and contribute to our employees.

Redegjørelse etter åpenhetsloven

Den 1. juli 2022 trådte den norske åpenhetsloven i kraft.

Formålet med denne loven er å oppfordre norske selskaper til å arbeide for gode arbeidsforhold og overholdelse av menneskerettigheter i sine leverandørkjeder.

Alle selskaper som omfattes av loven, er forpliktet til å gjennomføre aktsomhetsvurderinger og rapportere om disse årlig. 

Møt våre ansatte


Ketil Olsen

Daily leader


Daria Strzepek

HR team leader


Karolina Sobocik Szwala


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Daniel Schwarz


Møt våre ansatte

Kopi av Kopi av Safejob_ansatt_02

Ketil Olsen

Daily leader

Kopi av Kopi av Safejob_ansatt_03

Daria Strzepek

HR team leader


Michelle Kolskår

Delivery Manager


Karolina Sobocik Szwala



Linn Magnussen Lillefosse

Nordic Director